MSS Designs

About Us

About Us

MSSDesigns is a Design platform that affords a language to our furniture products, interior design and Architecture as a whole. A team of young designers continuously explore to break boundaries to help experience space more meaningfully through.

The firm was founded by M.S.Suctancar in the year 1974. He was later joined by his son, Amit Sukhthankar, in the year 1999. Since then, MSSDesigns has executed a number of projects ranging from housing, residential, commercial, institutional, etc. Here we provide all kinds of building solutions, from architectural, and interior design to project management services. The practice has executed projects all over India and worked for a variety of clients from government, and semi-govt institutes, to business houses, including work for individual private professionals. Our endeavor at MSSDesigns is to enhance the built environment around us so as to enrich our living experience.

The Team

Our Designers

Amit Sukhthankar

Reshma Sukhthankar